Your pool heater is an absolute staple, especially when it comes to enjoying a comfortable swim on cool summer nights or throughout the fall and winter. As a result, you’ll want to ensure that your pool heater is maintained on a regular basis in order to prevent complete failure. There are a few factors that can contribute to heater failure. However, regular pool service in Southlake, Texas, can help limit damage. If you have noticed that your pool heater has become inefficient over the last few months, reach out to WaveTechs for pool heater repair. Our team will ensure your pool heater is restored as quickly as possible.
Here are some common causes of pool heater failure.
Hard Water & Mineral Buildup
Hard water is usually the main culprit behind a damaged water heater. Hard water is a term used to refer to water that has a high volume of minerals dissolved in it. Oftentimes, these minerals include magnesium and calcium. As your heater warms the water, some of it will evaporate into steam; when this happens, the residual minerals will build up on the heater. This buildup will look like a white powdery coating on your heater. This can damage the heat exchanger and prevent your heater from heating the pool water.
How to Protect Your Heater Against Mineral Buildup
To combat mineral buildup, you need to regularly the hardness of your water and apply water softener when necessary. A high pH can also contribute to mineral buildup. So, ensure that you periodically test the pH of your pool water and balance it so that it sits around 7.5.
Corrosion Due to Poor Water Chemistry
The pH of your pool water can also cause your pool heater to corrode. Maintaining a neutral pH in your pool is absolutely essential to creating a safe and comfortable experience for swimmers. A low pH is an indicator of acidic water, which can cause skin and eye irritation. Acidic pool water can also corrode the metal elements of your pool heater, causing them to wear down and even break. This will result in pool heater failure over time.
How to Protect Your Heater Against Corrosion
Balancing your pool water regularly is key to preventing any type of corrosion. Many pool owners will utilize testing strips on a monthly or biweekly basis to get a pH reading. If your pool’s pH is too low, add a pH increasing balancer to create neutral pool water. The ideal pH range is between 7.2 and 7.8.
Resolve a Damaged Pool Heater with WaveTechs
Pool heater failure is a relatively common phenomenon and is usually the result of poor pool maintenance and poor water chemistry. Regular maintenance and pool service in Southlake, Texas, can help combat a damaged pool heater. Given how crucial your pool heater is in facilitating safe and comfortable swims, it is vital that you conduct regular water testing in order to maintain safe mineral and pH levels. If you are struggling with your pool heater, reach out to WaveTechs for pool heater repair today!